“I have read the obituaries of leaders, but never have I seen a birth announcement for a leader. I can only deduct that somewhere between birth and death, by training, by choice and by strength of character, people become leaders.” –from Success Mark Cards.

As Nigeria celebrates its 50th independence anniversary, there is need for some soul searching and reflection. Looking at the situation of Nigeria today, it is obvious that one of our major challenges is that of leadership. Poor leadership has stifled our growth and stopped us from achieving our potential. But it is never too late. As we celebrate this jubilee and prepare for the next round of elections, it is important to once again look at the attributes and principles of leadership. If those aspiring to leadership can learn these principles and practise them, we will be in a much better situation and not only at the national political level. Corporate and religious organisations are becoming increasingly interested in the subject and its intricacies as it is becoming increasingly obvious that leadership is a major need for today’s generations and those yet to come. From small churches to major political parties and corporate organisations to countries around the world, decisions being made by those at the helm of affairs continue to affect us all in minute and major ways in our everyday lives. Leadership is one of my favourite subjects and in this article; I share with you some of what I have learnt over the past several years.
Leadership can change the mindset and mentality of the followers. Leadership can create action where there was hesitation; courage where there was cowardice; optimism where there was cynicism, and strength where there was weakness. A leader can create a spirit of hope where there was despair. Leadership determines the mentality, the destiny, the attitude, and the commitment of the followers. The act of leadership is taking people from where they are to where they have never been before. The result of true leadership is discomfort and change.
The Need for Clarity
Leadership according to experts underscores the need for clarity. The nature of leadership demands that there always be an element of uncertainty. Uncertainty is not an indication of poor leadership; it underscores the need for leadership. It is the environment in which good leadership is most easily identified. If we all know what to do in every situation at all times, if we are all able to stand up at any given moment and give directions with absolute certainty, there would be no need for leadership. Leadership therefore means being clear even in the face of uncertainty and not allowing uncertainty to paralyse people, systems and processes.
The Need for Vision
Leadership is at its best when the vision is strategic, the voice is persuasive and the results tangible. Whether with a few supporters or in front of a nation, great leaders consistently offer their vision of both what should be and how it should be achieved. A powerful vision is a precondition for leading a company, church or country at any point in time. It is a persuasive picture of where you want to go, how you want to get there and why anybody should follow. The most important source of leadership is vision.
The Need for Coaching
Coaching enables a leader to go farther and faster. A human resources director was once asked to give an advice on leadership especially on how to get the best out of people and he replied listen, listen and listen. Leaders who resist coaching always end up in a rut. Age and experience don’t necessarily make us better. Age and experience have a tendency to leave us in a rut doing the same thing, the same way with no one around to spur us toward change. Cognitive intelligence is a prerequisite for most leadership positions but what distinguishes those who move up to those positions is what someone once referred to as emotional intelligence. This is the ability to be self-aware and self-regulating, empathetic and compassionate and skilled at bringing out the best in people around you, you will hear what you need to know and inspire what they need to do. One of the worst things that can happen to a leader is isolation; when he stops hearing from his troops and becomes the last to know what is going on. That tends to happen if the followers believe that the leader knows it all.
The Need for Character
The decisions and actions that a leader makes and takes on an hourly, daily weekly, monthly and yearly basis are what inform his or her character. You can lead without character but you would not be a leader worth following. Character provides leaders with the moral authority necessary to bring together the people and resources needed to further an enterprise. To build character a leader must be able to imbibe good qualities such as kindness, dignity, fairness, and integrity. It is character that determines the leader’s legacy. In surveys by consulting firms on what values or personality traits or characteristics people admire most in company managers, top sales people and entrepreneurs; the category that consistently scored the highest mark was integrity and truthfulness. Most people in another survey place more trust in their religious leaders than in their political leaders for the same reason that religious leaders are perceived as being truthful, honest and having integrity. Someone once defined character as the will to do what’s right even when it’s hard. Leaders committed to maintaining their character will often say no to what many would perceive to be the opportunity of a lifetime. The willingness to say no is what sets the leader with character apart from the pack.
Mahatma Ghandi’s Leadership Principles
(1) Politics without principles will destroy people
(2) Pleasure without conscience will destroy people
(3) Wealth without work will destroy people
(4) Knowledge without character will destroy people
(5) Science without humanity will destroy people
(6) Business without morality will destroy people
(7) Worship without sacrifice will destroy people
Important Attributes of Leaders
(1) They believe nothing is impossible
(2) They believe there is no one way of solving any problem
(3) They never accept limitations
(4) They are not afraid to fail
(5) They are willing to try anything once
(6) They challenge their own successes
(7) They engage the unknown with faith and courage